Tác giả :




Please wear your GTSD2018 Conference name tag at all times to gain admission to presentation in break-out rooms.

Name tags and tickets are required for Conference Gala Banquet.

If you need any information about the conference, please ask the student helpers or committee members for assistance.


07:30am - 05:30pm


Venue: Conference Foyer , 6th Floor, The Center Building

08:30am - 09:10am

Opening Ceremony

Venue: Room No. A1-602, 6th Floor, The Center Building


Opening Welcome

09:10am - 9:40am

Keynote Address 1

09:40am - 10:10am

Keynote Address 2

10:10am - 10:30am

Morning Tea break

Venue: Conference Foyer, 6th Floor, The Center Building

10:30am - 12:00am

Breakout session No.1 (BS-1)

Topic: Special Session (Student authors)

Venue: Room A1-602

Breakout session No.2 (BS-2)

Topic: Renewable Energy and Power System Engineering

Venue: Room A1-1207

Breakout session No.3 (BS-3)

Topic: Automotive and Mechanical Engineering

Venue: Room A1-1202

Breakout session No.4 (BS-4)

Topic: Mechatronics Engineering

Venue: Room A1-1203

Breakout session No.5 (BS-5)

Topic: Applied Physics and Thermal Engineering

Venue: Room A1-1204

Breakout session No.6 (BS-6)

Topic: Sustainable Economics and Educational Development

Venue: Room A1-601B

Breakout session No.7 (BS-7)

Topic: Chemical and Environmental Engineering

Venue: Room A1-1205

Breakout session No.8 (BS-8)

Topic: Electronics Engineering

Venue: Room A1-1206

12:00am - 01:30am

Lunch break

Venue: Conference Foyer, 6th Floor, The Center Building

01:30pm - 03:30pm

Breakout sessions (BS-1 to BS-8)

Topics and Venues: Same as morning

03:30pm - 03:50pm

Afternoon Tea break

Venue: At session sites, respectively

03:50pm - 05:30pm

Breakout sessions (BS-1 to BS-6)

Topics and Venues: Same as morning

06:00pm - 08:00pm

Gala dinner

Venue: Kim Dung Restaurant, No. 02, Dang Van Bi Street, Thu Duc District, HCMC


08:00am - 08:30am


Venue: Conference Foyer, 6th Floor, The Center Building

08:30am - 08:40am

Opening Welcome

Representative of Board of President, HCMUTE

Venue: Room No. A1-602, 6th Floor, The Center Building

08:40am - 09:05am

Keynote Address 3

Venue: Room No. A1-602, 6th Floor, The Center Building

09:05am - 09:30am

Keynote Address 4

Venue: Room No. A1-602, 6th Floor, The Center Building

09:30am - 09:55am

Keynote Address 5

Venue: Room No. A1-602, 6th Floor, The Center Building

09:55am - 10:15am

Morning Tea break

Venue: Conference Foyer , 6th Floor, The Center Building

10:15am - 12:15pm

Breakout session No.2 (BS-2)

Topic: Renewable Energy and Power System Engineering

Venue: Room A1-1207

Breakout session No.3 (BS-3)

Topic: Automotive and Mechanical Engineering

Venue: Room A1-1202

Breakout session No.9A (BS-9A)

Topic: Electrical Engineering

Venue: Room A1-1203

Breakout session No.9B (BS-9B)

Topic: Electrical Engineering

Venue: Room A1-1204

Breakout session No.10A (BS-10A)

Topic: Applied Science and Information Engineering

Venue: Room A1-1205

Breakout session No.10B (BS-10B)

Topic: Applied Science and Information Engineering

Venue: Room A1-1206

Breakout session No.11A (BS-11A)

Topic: Civil Engineering

Venue: Room A1-602

Breakout session No.11B (BS-11B)

Topic: Civil Engineering

Venue: Room A1-601B

12:15pm - 01:30pm


Venue: Conference Foyer, 6th Floor, The Center Building



07:30am     Registration

                    Venue: Conference Foyer, 6th Floor, The Center Building

08:30am     Opening Ceremony

                    Venue: Room No. A1-602, 6th Floor, The Center Building


                    Opening Welcome

                        Prof. Do Van Dung, President, HCMUTE, Vietnam

                        Prof. Yan-Kuin Su, Former President of Kun Shan University, Taiwan

                    Guests of Honors

                        Representative of Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam

                    Vote of Thanks

                        Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ngo Van Thuyen, University Council Chairman, HCMUTE, Vietnam

09:10am     Keynote Address

                    Venue: Room No. A1-602, 6th Floor, The Center Building

                   Chair: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Hieu Giang, HCMUTE, Vietnam

                    Keynote Address 1:   

                    Taiwan Energy Transition – The Challenges and Opportunities

                        Prof. Chang-Ren Chen

                        Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kun Shan University, Taiwan

                    Keynote Address 2:   

                    Saliency-based Identification of Debris Flows from Aerial Photographs

                        Prof. Kai-Yew Lum

                        Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chi Nan University, Taiwan

10:10am     Morning Tea

                    Venue: Conference Foyer, 6th Floor, The Center Building

10:30am - 05:30pm    Paper Presentations - Breakout Sessions

                                    (12:00am - 01:30pm    Lunch break)

                                    (03:30pm - 03:50pm    Afternoon Tea break)

                                    (06:00pm - 08:00pm   Gala dinner)


08:00am     Registration

                    Venue: Conference Foyer, 6th Floor, The Center Building

08:30am     Opening Welcome

                    Venue: Room No. A1-602, 6th Floor, The Center Building

08:40am     Keynote Address

                    Venue: Room No. A1-602, 6th Floor, The Center Building

                    Chair: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hoang An Quoc, HCMUTE, Vietnam

                    Keynote Address 3:      

Most Sustainable, Lowest Cost and Highly Efficient – First Solar’s Rapid Innovation Approach in Thin-Film Photovoltaics

                        Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Wade (VDI, VDE)

                        Deputy Operating Agent IEA PVPS Task 12,

President International Thin-Film Solar Industry Association, PVthin

                    Keynote Address 4:      

Measurement of diesel emissions on real roads and construction fields by pems

                        Prof. Jau Huai Lu

                        Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan

                    Keynote Address 5:      

iCloud-Based Electrical Distribution Controlling System with “ABB Ability” for Power Management

                        Mr. Cao Phu Hai

                        Product Manager of Medium – Low Voltage Products, ABB in Vietnam

09:55am     Morning Tea

                    Venue: Conference Foyer, 6th Floor, The Center Building

10:15am - 12:15pm    Paper Presentations - Breakout Sessions

                                    (12:15pm - 01:30pm    Lunch)



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March 30, 2018: 
April 15, 2018
April 30, 2018
Abstract Submission

May 30, 2018:
June 17, 2018  
Full paper Submission 

July 30, 2018:
August 15, 2018
Full paper Notification of Acceptance

September 05, 2018: 
September 20, 2018:
Final paper submission

September 15, 2018
September 25, 2018
Early-Bird Registration

September 30, 2018:
October 15, 2018
Online Registration

4th International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development  
HCMC University of Technology and Education
Add: No 1 Vo Van Ngan Street, Linh Chieu Ward, Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: (+84.8) 37 221 223 - Ext: 8161 or 8443 
E-mail: gtsd2018@hcmute.edu.vn