Tác giả :


The vision of the Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society is to be recognized as the world leading society for the advancement of theory and application in systems science and engineering, human-machine systems, and cybernetics.


The mission of the Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society is to serve the interests of its members and the community at large by promoting the theory, practice, and interdisciplinary aspects of systems science and engineering, human-machine systems, and cybernetics. It is accomplished through conferences, publications, and other activities that contribute to the professional needs of its members.


The following fundamental values provide the foundation for all SMC Society activities:

  • Membership: Maximize the value of being a member.
  • Professionalism: Advance knowledge and professional development.
  • Excellence: Deliver high quality and relevant services and products.
  • Integrity: Act with honesty and fairness.
  • Collaboration: Achieve results and excellence through teamwork.
  • Communication: Promote honest and transparent interactions.
  • Diversity: Embrace diversity of members and their ideas.
  • Empowerment: Empower volunteers and value their contributions.
  • Equality: Provide equal opportunities to all members.
  • Respect: Practice respectfulness in all relationships.


Development of systems engineering technology including problem definition methods, modeling, and simulation, methods of system experimentation, human factors engineering, data and methods, systems design techniques and test and evaluation methods.

Integration of the theories of communication, control, cybernetics, stochastics, optimization, and system structure towards the formulation of a general theory of systems.

Application at hardware and software levels to the analysis and design of biological, ecological, socio-economic, social service, computer information, and operational man-machine systems.

More information about us please visit:  

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RadEditor - HTML WYSIWYG Editor. MS Word-like content editing experience thanks to a rich set of formatting tools, dropdowns, dialogs, system modules and built-in spell-check.
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March 30, 2018: 
April 15, 2018
April 30, 2018
Abstract Submission

May 30, 2018:
June 17, 2018  
Full paper Submission 

July 30, 2018:
August 15, 2018
Full paper Notification of Acceptance

September 05, 2018: 
September 20, 2018:
Final paper submission

September 15, 2018
September 25, 2018
Early-Bird Registration

September 30, 2018:
October 15, 2018
Online Registration

4th International Conference on Green Technology and Sustainable Development  
HCMC University of Technology and Education
Add: No 1 Vo Van Ngan Street, Linh Chieu Ward, Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel: (+84.8) 37 221 223 - Ext: 8161 or 8443 
E-mail: gtsd2018@hcmute.edu.vn